Are you ready to SHIFT?

Any type of change requires a plan,  intentionality and consistency .

 We all have the same number of hours in the week.  How you choose to use them is up to you. 

Release the Overwhelm 

Stop waiting for tomorrow. Input your email below and start with these 7 ways to release the overwhelm!

Hey, I'm Lianne!

I'm so grateful you're here! You may not know me yet but I specialize in helping shiftworkers overcome overwhelm and to stop living on autopilot --- Yes, even if you are working fulltime and raising a family.

My mission is to empower you to live a full and present life and to create more time to stop and smell the roses.

Get to Know Me

What It's Like to Work Together

 Lianne is the deep breath I didn’t know I needed everyday. As a Mom of three and business owner it is often hard to calm my mind. It often feels like everyone needs something from me and I let my self care suffer. Until, I met Lianne and her meditations. Lianne introduced me to her mediations for a mid day break and moment of reflection to help with my feeling of overwhelm and anxiety. I always have a lot of tasks running a business mixed with motherhood each day. I was resistant to it at first, thinking I was losing time from my business tasks. Until, I actually tried it! In the middle of the day I sat down and tried her mediation and I wish I could put into words how recharged I felt. This has become a daily practice to reset my mind each day going into the afternoon and most importantly it acts as a reminder for me. A reminder of why I wanted a big family and why I wanted the freedom of my own business. I wanted to feel free and not that state of go go go. I did not want chaos all the time. I wanted to feel calm and love a purposed filled life. I keep Lianne’s mediations with me now as a non negotiable in my day and she has allowed me to find the peace I needed with such a busy mind. Thank you Lianne!

7 Figure Video Editor & Mama to 3 little humans





Let's Get Started Now 

Shift into Meditation

A 21 day self-paced video course.  

1:1 Support

Packages built to suit your lifestyle; 1, 3 or 6 months.

I'm Here to Support You

Whether you're looking for support, wondering if a program is right for you, or just have a question - send me a direct message on IG


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The real deal behind shiftwork

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